Red Bull Singapore
Chinese New Years Champaign
Campaign during Chinese New Year in Singapore.
AD : Jin & UltraSuperNew Singapore
伝統的な新正月を祝う「福」を天地逆にした文字は幸運が足元に落ちてくることを意味する。タイポグラフィデザインで文字をアレンジして、一見その文字にみえるが、よく見るとRedbullの文字とRed Bull Gives wiing というクレームが入っている。
The traditional Chinese New Year celebration of "Fortune" is celebrated with the character "Fortune" reversed to mean that good fortune will fall at your feet. The typographic design arranges the letters in such a way that they appear to be that character, but a closer look reveals the words Redbull and the claim Red Bull Gives wiing.